Friday, June 29, 2007

Blog vs. Diary

I have always been a Diary person.. or so I thought. In fact one of my very first posts here began with a Dear Di.. Its been about 2 years since then (or maybe a year and a half.. I can't remember and I m too lazy to go back n check). But I've come a long way in terms of blogging. From being the person who thought - how can someone blog their innermost thoughts to blogging 5 times a day - I HAVE come a long way.

But as I have entailed this journey, there are a few things I have noticed (as must a million others) - there are key differences between a diary and a blog. They are mutually exclusive for one - I can't imagine writing all of these blog posts in a diary and I can't imagine writing what I do in a diary as a blog. I guess the blog has your outer-most thoughts and the diary the innermost. The blog is what you WANT to share while it is unimaginable with your diary. Maintaining both may one day drive me crazy.. yet, here I am with my second entry of the day!

Cheers to both form for helping me keep my sanity as I drive others insane!


Anonymous said...

So you still maintain a diary ! I have been neither of these, but now since I have started blogging, I miss not having had a way of penning down my thoughts over the years. I sometimes read a few of my previous posts(I manage to do some chit-chatting even in a food blog :P) to see if I still feel the same about the things I write, just to chk if I am still as insane as ever :)) Would not want it any other way :)

Anonymous said...

Priya -> I maintain an exclusive diary and my pen flows when I wanna bitch about someone or if I have misgivings about something(one). It has to go on! :D Its fun both ways.

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