Friday, June 29, 2007

Movies on my mind

Being summer, there's always looooooads to expect in terms of movies... Here are some of which you as readers are definitely going to get my visesh tippani on...

1) Sivaji - The BOSS (I finally get to see it tomorrow)
2) Ratatouille - Have been waiting for this movie ever since I saw the first trailers back when Shrek III came out- This is going to be one of Disney-Pixar's bests... I can just feel it.
3) Live Free or Die Hard - I hear Bruce Willis is absolutely smashing in this sequel of the Die Hard movies and whats more - its PG-13? So no swearing I guess, unlike its predecessors.
4) Transformers - The next Spielberg movie and anyone who is someone in the ad industry is using the Transformers idea to make catchy ads. I especially like the Mountain Dew's ad. See it here.
5) 1408 - The Stephen King novel based horror thriller. I have been a fan of horror movies though I watch it through a window my fingers create over my eyes. But this title is especially intriguing coz it has the magic numbers - 14's my Bday and 8's my bro's. So its a must-see.
6) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - I don't think anyone who has ever read my blog will need an expansion to this title - this remains one of the movies I am DYING to watch.
7) Being Jane - Its Jane Austen's life story. Being a big Jane Austen fan, it will be fascinating to see how her life is and supposedly a clandestine love story in her own life inspired many of her great classic stories.

And many many more to come... Coming soon.


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