Thursday, June 21, 2007

~Potter Mania~

I don't know about you, but I am a huuuuge Harry Potter fan.. That means that July is the most exciting month of the summer, hell, maybe even the year! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the 5th installment of the movies is all set to release on July 11th and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the 7th and last installment of the book series comes out a week later. As a prep-up to receiving these two huge additions to my already Harry-muddled brain, I started reading the HP books from the IVth one onwards (considering I know the other 3 pretty well and all the details that are going to be in the movie and the book transcend them) and I am currently in the last few pages of the Order of the Phoenix. Though I hated Half-blood prince, I am going to have a go at it again to read between lines and strengthen the theories I already have formed for what should be happening in the final book. I remember the conversation I had with my bro, the day after Half blood prince had come out and we'd both read it. Itw as our most animated discussion after many many years. For all you HP fans who want a sneak preview of anything HP-ish, visit MindBlogging right after.. you won't be disappointed!


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