Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Tea Blog

So anyone who knows me knows that I have a big hotspot for chai. But these days I have progressed a little further from chai and experimented with a wide variety of herbal teas as well. So here's a short review of the varieties...

1. Masala Chai

Needs no introduction. Traditionally it is the only variety that is made with milk. There are a million recipes to make masala chai online. My favorite 'masala' is the one that my Patti makes at home. Its the typical blend of a bunch of spices (cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, etc) and is perfect when added to the boiling tea powder. No more on this one. Need a recipe? Take a look at Priya's blog. Navigate around and fin more than one variety of chai.

2. Green Tea

Green Tea is traditional Chinese Tea and is usually drunk black (well, actually yellow). It is a wonderfully soothing flavor and has just the right blend of being tangy and tasty. It is absolutely delectable when had with honey and lemon. And from my experience, green tea is a definite energy booster. It can keep you awake and active for hours. And the flavor of green tea has caught on so much that it is now disguised in many packages. The Green Tea frappuccino at Starbucks is a great option for those who like it cold. And if you manage to get to an Asian restaurant, try the Green Tea icecream. Just perfect.

3. Wu Long Tea

This is traditionally Chinese as well. By itself, Wu Long is very strong in flavor and maybe a little bitter to the untrained palate. And as with most Chinese brews, the more you steep the more bitter it becomes. When taken with honey and lemon, the taste improves phenomenally. Wu Long is supposed to be a major boost of metabolism. From my experience however, I think Green Tea is more energizing than Wu Long. Wu Long is excellent for digestion of food however and cleanses the body and is a rich source of antioxidants and has proven to increase the free radicals in the body. So, it is a definite healthy choice. Feeling heavy after a meal? No problem.. have a glass of wu long.

4. SleepyTime Tea

This was a recent discovery of mine. I tried it last night just before I got into bed. This is another traditional blend of typical ingredients like chamomile (for soothing) and spearmint to create a calming sensation. The box recommends taking it in bed literally and dropping off to sleep. Maybe because I expected something like a sleeping pill effect, I was a little wary of it. But once I took it, I could sense the warmth spreading through me. It had the effect of nearly idling my mind and with the right situation, I may as well have drifted into sleep. But then someone chose to blare horn at that exact moment and the spell was broken. It took me the typical 20-30 minutes to fall back into sleep after that. But its worth a shot and I will give it a try once more tonight.

Having a whole lot of natural tea is certain way of boosting the antioxidants in the blood. And whoever said a lot of tea was bad for health? If anyone's tried any other form of tea and would like to recommend it, please leave me a comment. Brew away and relax. :)


Anonymous said...

A very informative post and thank you for linking it to mine :)I have tried all the other varieties except Wu Long in your list. My current favorite now though is freshly brewed sweetened Iced Tea, it is really soothing and refreshing for these summer days. Cheers to Tea !

Anonymous said...

Thanks priya. Honestly, Cheers to Chai!

Anonymous said...

chai will also keep me awake??? gr8...coz coffee doesnt help me any longer.....ironically coffe now a days makes be sleepy!!
time for me to try chai!!

Anonymous said...

Aravind-> Try green tea.. Works great in keeping you awake.. not to mention that its extremely good for health. Traditionally Patti used to make me a flask full of chai back in India when I pulled all-nighters to study. Now that thats a luxury, time to experiment with other non-caffeinated drinks!

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Masala chai is definitely my felix felices :)

Anonymous said...

IndiGeek -> mine also. :) Love masala chai. BTW, good short posts on yr blog. Keep it coming :)

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