Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The 'out-of-school-early' feeling :)

Have you ever had that feeling? That feeling when you were in 7th grade and the teacher walked in just before lunch and told you - "Afternoon periods (yes, back in India we didnt call them 'classes') have been canceled because of rain" -- That feeling of euphoria? Yes, it was a measly 3 hours.. but it was also those amazing 3 hours which you could mindlessly spend on whatever you wanted with no questions asked... No Geography or homework... Just the India-Pakistan match on TV accompanied by Patti's steaming pakoras...

The walk to the busstop in the slush wasnt icky.. It was the way home and to freedom... The dark clouds, the smell of rain-in-the-mud (manvasanai - one of my favorite smells), , the swishing of new raincoats, the humid breeze-- aah pure heaven! When you went home, you were given the quizzical why-arent-you-in-school look by Amma while you launched into an explanation about what History Miss told you about the cyclonic storm, even while turning on the TV surfing channels for the match.

As you snuggle under warm sheets, the aroma of steaming pakoras fills the air and you ask fondly - "Patti.. Chai..". As India starts the first 15 overs, the first batch of pakoras and a nice, hot cup of chai await you. Just the way you imagined... The perfect rainy day!


Anonymous said...

dude,it's artciles like this which make me yearn for good ol chennai........

Anonymous said...

yes, the smell of moist-earth even fascinates me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys...

Anonymous said...

r u intentionally trying to make people homesick with such sweet tales abt childhood? :)

Anonymous said...

This just came to me, Aravind :)

Anonymous said...

That gives a real taste of Chennai..and good reminiscence of
those wonderful days in school..i dont think we would get to enjoy life to that extent in any other stage in our lifetime!!

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