Thursday, March 16, 2006


Ah well, its that time of the year where if you are smart, you have mailed in your tax returns for the year and probably have a hefty bank balance from a return check and are smug in your smartness... and if you are not, like me, no matter how easy the government makes the whole process, making it online and everything, the process remains a process.. something I dont want to do unless absolutely forced to. For one, I dont understand how I am an engineer... I mean, I am supposed to be good at Math... But if you wanna see me confounded, taxes can accomplish it in no time! The icing in my cake of woe is that dad's an accountant!!!!

Here at UC, one has to undergo the pain of going to the ISSO (the Godforsaken place is based at one corner of the campus where most muggings take place!) and pay 2 bucks for the password that authorizes you to login into the online portal. I havent yet figured out if the password that they give us is individually linked to each one of us or if it is just a way of making fast money. A couple of my friends argued that there was no way it could be linked and that we all should probably share the same password... And me being me, I played on that 1 single element of doubt and made us procure individual passwords... And what do I get for all that??? After all the long deciphering of all the commerce and tax-related nomenclature, I am entitled to a return of a lousy 22 bucks! Of which I lost 2 bucks undergoing the whole rigamarole! Life's just unfair! I dont think it would have made any difference in my life not procuring those 22 bucks... But this is the price i have to pay(read get) to remain legal out here in the US...

I sure hope the rest of you got a hell lot of money through the returns... that way if you treated me, I wouldnt end up feeling so bad after all... And I am not put out of my misery yet... I have yet to file my stupid state taxes... Better get started on that.... Ciao!


Anonymous said...

Try Turbo Tax for free.

Anonymous said...

check my luck...paid $15 to get $22..u do tha math

Sharadha(may not remember me..I used to be in ur class in 11th and 12th)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharadha... R u the one they called Buck??

Anonymous said...

Imagine going through the exactly same ordeal, and spending 2 hours (except that I'm familiar with all the nomenclature and accounting bullshit) for a measly $6.17 ... when the same 2 hours would have fetchd me 4 times the amount ... yeah, I'm presently worth $10 per hr ... Crrrrap !!

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