Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Boot camp

Ever made a choice that you know in your heart is going to bite you in the ass but you still make it anyways hoping against hope that you might just be wrong? I do and I did. I chose fashion over comfort and I promise that it's the last freaking time. I chose to wear boots to our Rome trip rather than my trusty old sneakers. Mind you, these boots were as comfortable as any other pair of shoes that I had on flat terrain. So basically, I chose heels over flats. And that's enough to wreck a good part of a weekend especially if you are trotting around from one attraction to another just coz it seems sooo nearby (while in reality it most certainly is not). Oh and did I mention that Rome doesn't have roads? Instead it has what is called a Viae, which is basically many polished stones laid next to each other and the gaps between them filled with rubble. It's very European and is the predecessor of our modern day tar roads and that means there are a lot of ups and downs on the walkways. So, it's quite a challenge walking without falling with heel boots and add to that the pressure on the soles and heels of your feet. By the end of Day 1, I was sure I was blistering because my feet were pretty darn sore and tender and I would've utterly wasted the Day 2 if I didn't do what was the only sensible thing to do out there. Buy a pair of flats. And that's 15€ that I am never regretting. This one was a perfect decision.


Anonymous said...

Ouchie... Having uncomfortable shoes can do you in... it's like being stuck with a toothache. B-A-D! Glad you got another pair. a girl can do with a million shoes, right?

Anonymous said...

Uncomfy shoes can literally spoil the day. Fashion over comfort.. Comfort any day!!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia -> Indeed. Million n one is sitting on the shoe stand right now. Lol. Keep visiting!

Divya -> Totally true... verified by experience. NEVER again like I said. :) Thanks n keep visiting!

Anonymous said...

take care of u :)

thanks for ur advice....
next time i visit Rome ..i will certainly take a pair of mundu and rubber slippers..

Anonymous said...

Karmanna -> No rubber chappals.. Take good fat Nike/adidas shoes. :)

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