Monday, November 10, 2008

Nothing like home

I love travelling, seeing new places and everything and I would do it many many times... but the feeling of coming home is unique. It's peaceful, its welcoming, it's warm and comfortable and mainly, it's yours. No place can feel better. But like many things, the distance makes the heart fonder and you truly appreciate home only when you have been away from it and then of course, no sleep is as good as it is on your own bed. Besides, the feeling is multiplied if you've had a tiring weekend albeit fun-filled, with over 1000km of travel in 2 days, add to that being the only driver. I've had the joyous homecoming twice since last night - once when we actually got home after the trip last night and once today when I went to return the car. You might wonder why the second time. The rental place is just behind my house and naturally to return the car there, I opted out of taking the GPS. As luck would have it, the roads were closed at certain points for maintenance and an innocent hunt for a U-turn turned into a massive diversion from my ville (city) to another. Throw in a couple of highways and it's chaos. After accurately memorizing the path I was taking and needing all of 1 U-turn to just turn back, I found myself on the highway. A couple of exits later, I landed at a familiar sounding locality and in there after a few circles around the town center, finally I caught sight of signs pointing to my city. The gush of relief was unmistakeable. In a few short minutes, I had the car returned to it's owners while I got back to the sanctity of my sweet home.


Anonymous said...

Well said. Even at the end of a normal day, i feel only totally relaxed once having come home. You have captured that emtion very well in this post.

Anonymous said...

Nitin _> Thank you. My sentiments exactly. Keep visiting!

Anonymous said...

Yr style of writing is very succint. Love it! And ofcourse there is no place like home.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Karthik. Are u one of the many Karthiks I know? Keep visiting :)

Anonymous said...

Milfred -> Thank you. Please keep visiting.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post. The emotions have been captured exceptionally well.

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