Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eiffel again

Some things, you just can't help taking pictures of.... This is one of those occasions. The day was brilliant and the angle of the light playing on the tower was perfect. The result - a postcard from Paris.


Anonymous said...

Great picture.. Do you have a flickr account that these pictures are linked with?


Anonymous said...

Arun -> Thank you for the compliment. Yep, I need to put up all my fotos on Flickr. I will do that soon and add a stream on the blog. Thanks for visiting and please do come back :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful click. Nice work. I notice you've added a slideshow thing. But the pics in that are a bit too small... A flickr link might be really helpful like the other anon guy said. anyways, i see daily improvments to yr blog. Have u considered buying a domain for the blog?

Anonymous said...

SLV -> Thank you. I can't modify the slideshow size I guess. But its just an invitation for the interested to click on it and see it full size on Picasa :D. As for a domain name, hmm, I haven't really thought about it. I think Blogger makes it very easy to modify and maintain the site n I am not sure how it works on a personal domain space. It's worth a thought I guess. thanks for the suggestion n keep visiting!

Anonymous said...

very nice shot. the lighting is perfect. A picture postcard from Paris indeed, or rather I should say, a trademark picture postcard from Paris :D

P.S the blogger site was creating some nuisance and I could not post this comment yday along with the mental age one!

Anonymous said...

Shiva -> Thanks ba... Coming from you, its a huuuuuuuuuuge compliment. Yeayy!!

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