Thursday, June 19, 2008


I truly didn't know what the fuss was about... not when I bought S the ipod touch... not when he used it and was fascinated and told me so.. not until I found it in the dresser drawer last night begging to be used. And I granted it it's wish and it granted me... pure fascination. It is something to see the device respond to the smallest touch... The pinching action to view photos bigger or read text better... the music is ofcourse ipod quality and definitely superior to my cute little shuffle... But what had me enraptured was the WiFi. I fussed about it for half an hour trying to get it detect our network at home. While it detected it, it didn't seem to have connected to it. Until S helped me out and had it connected. And then... the magic began. I didn't have to open the laptop just to check email. A flick and I could view it right there on my palm... I saw youtube videos, checked the weather... tried signing into IMs and what not. Throw in a phone and a camera and you know why the iPhone is soo popular. Its most definitely a complete system for travel entertainment or otherwise, though I know S secretly prefers his PSP which lets him play games as well (without the touch factor in every nuance of course).


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