Thursday, February 28, 2008

The real charades

Traditionally, I have been great at Charades or Dumb-C as we call it... But that was all with people who basically shared at least one single language. Here in France, the case is obviously different. It isn't so much a game as a survival skill. I've had a bunch of experiences where some basic actions have gotten me through sticky situations. Here's one- While I was visiting at college, I convincingly ordered a café au lait (coffee with milk) and gave 5€ to pay for it and was given back 45 cents. Now I knew it was utterly completely impossible for a coffee to cost 4.55€ in that part of the suburb. I looked around for a board of prices... And saw that it was being repainted. So I motioned the guy over and said - "I gave 5 (raising 5 fingers) euros." He smiled, gave me a high five and said "Merci." (Thank you). I tried again and this time his smile faltered a bit before thanking me again. A fleeting thought of letting the 5€ crossed my mind. But who was going to lose 300 rupees over some lack of understanding? After a deep breath I decided I had to use my limited french to get the point across.

"Je (=I while pointing to myself) gaaaaaaaaaaave (action of giving- didn't know the french word for that) cinq (five) hooro (french pronunciation of euro). Combien café? (How much for the coffee?)"

There was a sudden spark of understanding in his eye and he retrieved appropriate change (= 4€ more) and profusely apologized.

Whoosh.. a minor victory. (And thank god the coffee didn't actually cost 4.55 €. Now that would've been embarassing)


Anonymous said...

dats very nice experience u got jaya..finally charades in which u r gr8 helped u u must learn French....otherwise people will be expert getting the meaning of charades gestures.exactly what r u talking about...

Anonymous said...

hahaha di :)

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