Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A matter of perspective..

You know its just not your day when...

1. The coffee machine takes you for a ride once again (if you're wondering what I'm talking about, read this post)
2. The SEM needs nitrogen just when you have to use it
3. When you have hunger pangs at 11:00 though you had breakfast
4. When you buy a snack mix at the vending machine and it stops millimeters from the edge and doesn't fall..
5. When you kick the vending machine in frustration to make it fall and then you realize your legs are aching from KettleBells... but hey, the snack mix did drop
6. When you're soo hungry that you tear it open haphazardly.. and everything but 3 pieces spill on the floor
7. When the kind cleaning lady tsk-tsks at your clumsiness..
8. When you decide to quench your thirst rather than hunger and settle down with the water bottle at your desk and forget that you haven't "clicked" the spout.. and when it decides to gush down when you knock it over momentarily in a flurry of activity...
and..... big pause...
9. When your superboss asks for your blog address as he catches sight of this post.
10. And its only 12:00 pm.. The day's only just begun

-10 minutes later -

And then just like that.. when I walked out, I saw the poor bug I'd seen crawling an hour ago, lying squashed and lifeless in a corner. That put things in perspective.


Anonymous said...

Nice write-up. I liked the way u began on a light note and ended on a wonderfully realistic one. I am a regular to your blogs. Keep up the nice work.

- Pratap

Anonymous said...

long live Mr. Murphy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pratap.. And Aravind - its not even funny da!

Anonymous said... of those days..when you think Murphy`s were compiled keeping you in mind:(

Anonymous said...

I can relate to these Ctrl+Alt+Del kinda days :)
Btw, vending machines seem to be your arch-nemesis :P

Anonymous said...

i never go near these vending machines, they have something against me, they are evil, much more than Darth Vader or Sauron.
Btw very nice write up, brilliant though serious ending.

Anonymous said...

Hehe.. Thanks Shiva.. I am going to avoid the vending machines too. It will do my calorie count a favour as well...

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