Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I had this crazy dream last night.. and its right up J.K. Rowling's alley. I dreamt that there was a way to tell if people were good or bad... merely by looking at them. I am sure it was inspired by the character of Marietta in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But my dream extended it a few feet further. So people who had these ugly pustules on their faces were the bad ones. But the degree, intensity and number of pustules varied according to the deed itself. For example, a murderer might break out all over while a kid who stole a pencil might barely entail a blemish. Once I got up, I sat day-dreaming if such a system could exist in hypothetical world. Wouldn't life have been so much simpler? That way people might've been afraid to commit these crimes.. at least at the very beginning when they were risking their pure faces and characters.. And everyone could see. It wasn't hidden. Maybe then the good people wouldn't sit and waste their time with the incorrigible ones. Maybe the people with the pustules didn't care and as long as that was all that happened, they would commit more and more errors. I also went on to wonder if there had to be a reverse effect as well. For example if the kid realized his mistake and returned the pencil either anonymously (so as to not take the blame) or with an apology - an indication of a true lesson learnt, the blemish would heal. That would be nice. It would encourage people to definitely change. For the better. But all of this has a simple, very realistic problem (apart from the fact that sprouting pustules on the billions of people according to each deed is Mission Impossible) was that there would have to be an upper governing body that certified an action/deed right or wrong. And this is entirely subject to variation of people's perspectives, the situation, yada yada.. And that's where the plot caves. People's morals differ from person to person... While there are some who look at the big picture - what affects a nation, there are others who look at the narrowest slice of reference - themselves. And thats when I realized that the system would be a monumental failure (apart from the gazillion loop holes in between)


Anonymous said...

Actually J, I completely agree with u in saying that it wud be very difficult to say whos right and whos wrong. But the system wudnot be a failure. Imagine, everyone wud see the pustules only if he/she felt the other person was wrong. I mean if a murderer looks at another murderer, he wont see the pustule, but if innocent souls like u and me see at the same person, we wud see a horrrrible face. That way, it wud have been more fun.
But another thing I feel is that, if a person keeps on doing good deeds, his face shud keep getting better and better, that too in a personal way. I mean, since I have done so many good deeds, my eyes shud have turned into blue color by now (only since I like blue eyes). similarly, ur hair wud have straightened by now. This is very important, since we human beings are greatly driven by incentives. OMG, shall we develop this story further into a powerful script???

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeha.. and I'll seell it like Harry Potter and become JP Rowling :). Blue eyes on you would look scary and straight hair on me might hinder my wedding... So.. we have to be careful on what to wish for.. Hehehe..

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