Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Pet Peeves?

When I first learned that the house I'd be subletting would have 2 cats in it, I freaked out. I am a pet enthusiast... more specifically, a dog enthusiast. To be totally specific, I haven't ever lived around a dog.. so I'd imagine it would be much different from what I fantasized it would be.. when the stark reality of all the litter and stuff creeps in.

So when I met J.D (Jamuna Das is his real name), a big grey cat at Steinbeck, I was a li'l wary of him.. More so coz he was too friendly for a cat I just met. He became all pally pally and started nosing around my feet right away (Initially I thought it was the slippers... I tried throwing it away and all.. but it was me he was after!) I am sure it was a sight to see with me trying to tiptoe away from him all the time. When his owners were around, he fussed around them. Otherwise, he was always around me..

The first morning ofcourse was a shocker... I opened my bedroom door a bit wide (I wasnt used to animals waking up to me..) and JD jumped into the room before I could act fast... And horror of horrors, he pawed around for a good spot and landed square in the middle of my comforter to snuggle into a morning nap... Horrified but very scared to touch him, I timidly approached him and he purred. Hmph. I stalked off into the restroom praying he was gone when I returned. But guess what? He followed me right into the restroom and didnt leave no matter how much I coaxed him. (I became smart midway and shut the bedroom door when I could). I had a hard time chasing him outta the restroom and now this is a daily routine.. But he's learned quickly that I dont appreciate that much and doesnt wander into the restroom. However, now when he misses me, he vividly knocks on my door and mews outside. (His mew is a sign of protest. If you shut a door on him, he'll mew... if you dont let him in, he'll look you in the eye and mew). And last night once I had retired for the day, he kept mewing outside. And when I ignored him, he actually put his paw under the door and sorta waved!

In less than a week, I have adapted to a lot... a cat nonetheless... I must admit that my hosts are gracious and do their best to keep him away.. The other cat, Kitty is petrified (and maybe I prefer it that way) and barely shows herself.. Also, I admit that the prospect of cat hair on my clothes, comforter or bed isnt comforting... So, I keep JD at room's length... We have our 5 minutes of daily palliness... Thats good enuf...


Anonymous said...

CATS!!! ....I totally understand you, J. I am as much freaked out about them. I wonder how you are able to put up with the cat mewing at night when u cant even bear the sound of the faucet dripping!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha.. Good catch... He mews very softly... Half the time I think its my imagination... BFORE i see the paw from under the door! You get used to it I guess..

Anonymous said...

I am sure he (i mean JD) must have been a psycho in his previous life, or a psychocat in this life, going by the way u attract psychos.

Anonymous said...

Sachin -> The poor thing.. He's a sweet cat.. Just very friendly.. :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ah.. missed this post on Jamuna Daas! Was drawn to it by Priyanka... From Jani to Jamuna, its been a long ride indeed.

Personally, as you know I can't stand cats either although childhood experiences with kuttan (Bombay) and coughing kitty (Kuwait) cannot be ignored. We managed to stay away from cats, but to have one as roomie... I am not sure.. even if he is the imposing Jamuna Das! Who ever gave him the name... I tend to agree with Sachin!

Anonymous said...

Bala -> JD was given his name by onw of the roommates... Haha.. Nowadays he has mood swings and comes and goes as he pleases.. In fact I think he is depressed coz his major owner left for an internship.. He's been sulking and sleeping all day.. poor thing. The other one's now become brave and doesnt bury herself at the slightest movemnent... Changing temperaments... Can't believe that I am discussing cat psychology!

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