Monday, May 21, 2007

No. 100

Hi All,

Thank you for soliciting my blog so.. This entry is No. 100 for MindBlogging! Cheeeeeeers!!!!!! Its a milestone with many more to surpass. I wanted to make this entry special. Couldn't think of anything dramatic. So, I leave you with a poem I scribbled this morning.


As time goes by ever so fast
Makes one wonder if anything does last?
Why sometimes then does it sting..
And they say change is a good thing..

Memories shuffle in my heart
Fond thoughts surely it does bring..
Of days from which we've been torn apart
And they say change is a good thing..

Its the only constant in our life,
Putting an end to all that strife
Of lost friends and forgotten flings
Is change really a good thing?

A brand new morning every day
Vast horizons to spread our wings
And make the most in every way
Change is really a good thing

New beginnings like fresh breeze
Fill life's kaleidoscopes with fond memories
Makes my heart want to sing
Change is really a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Good going, on reaching 100!!!!

Loneliness, change, internet relationships !!!!!!!! I'm trying hard not to read too much into the sequence:P:P:P:P

Anonymous said...

Pramod -> There is no sequence! Its LIFO - Last In First Out.. Whatever I think goes on here :) Keep visiting!

Anonymous said...

technically it is not 100 for Mindblogging as it is for! Keep it going!

Anonymous said...

Yup... But u know what I meant.

Anonymous said...

100 posts huh...its amazing that u kept a count.. :)
juts kidding....
nice blog u got here.....
but u know i think poems are things i never really get..except for this poem road less taken....
i just love that...i think thats the only poem which i really liked...
anyway good going....and keep posting...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sudarshan.. Keep visiting. And hey I didnt keep any count. When you say new post on the blogger dashboard, it tells you how-manyeth post it is gonna be. I maybe vetti here and there.. but THAT vetti as to count my posts - NO

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jaya ! Hope to see much more from you. I din't know you write poems too :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Priya.. Poems - neither did i! :) Keep visiting.

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