Monday, May 21, 2007

Love before first sight?

Disclaimer: The views in this blog are solely my own.. Its not meant to hurt or disrespect anyone's sentiments. Also, I am not giving any form of "how-to-find-love-online-advice". So don't ask me for any. Just kick-back, relax and read forward..

I have been meaning to write this post for quite sometime now.. To start with.. how many of you believe in love-at-first-sight? I am sorry to disappoint you.. but I am not one of those die-hard romantics who does. In fact I am cynical about the whole thing because I believe that at first sight what you at the most feel is an electric attraction to the looks of the person which I personally don't classify as "love". That it may blossom into something beautiful in future... that you may cherish it years ahead, that it was 'just-right', etc doesn't count here.

But coming to the modern world... how many of you believe in love-before-first-sight as I've coined it? This is the age of 'internet-love', where MySpace, Orkut etc. are the best matrimonials that singles can themselves rely on... Having truly witnessed many such unions between people who didnt know each other from Adam, I can tell you it exists and its true. And in many ways, I feel that its more real than love-at-first-sight. Its a purely mental connection that happens and you like the person for who he/she portrays themselves to be. Its not physical (hopefully) and you share similar interests (hoping more so) etc. But this is the deception point as far as I am concerned. This way of finding love has sooo many holes in its fabric that you're lucky if you find anything pseudo to true-love. What if the person is sooooo not what they claimed to be? What if their tiny thumbnail picture on their profile was one moment of surreally great photography? What if they lied about anything from their hobbies/interests to their educational/family background? There are sooo many 'what ifs'. Yet, how are these hundreds of people finding love?

I'll tell you when love-before-first-sight has the best chance of working..

1) Timing is everything - The people involved definitely need to be the right age and 'marriage material' - What may not have worked on a girl even 6 months ago may as well work for someone who "tried" right now coz she is all ready to 'settle-down'
2) A little bit of genuinity - Lies ain't gonna build no love castle... All the stuff people say better ring true
3) Taking it beyond the scrapping - No love stories are truly built around the initiator engines.. The stories have to transcend these boundaries into the IMs - Yahoo!, MSN, GTalk or whatever works for you and then on, you'll be surprised at how similar the process is to the typical matrimonial engines themselves. (Except you arranged it for yourself! )

And so on... you get the idea...

So, how many of you believe in love-before-first-sight? I do....


Anonymous said...

Love before or at or after first sight is not a matter of concern for me, as long as in the end there is love!!!!!!

The internet, meeting in person, taking a first glance etc etc are all means by which an interest in exploring further is created. Then on its all about understanding and knowing the other person.

In that regard, i cant see how love at and love before first sight are different. essentially its love even before u have known that person.

Thinking about these differnt means only influences our thought process and on the way might just miss out on the best!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pramod -> Love before and at first sight are as different as night n day (Did u read the blog!) The love bfore transcends physical qualities and truly and purely an emotional thing... READ AGAIN BUDDY!

Anonymous said...

Love grows from a combination of things in the other person, Love at and love before just concentrate on a subset of those things.

I am not suggesting that one is better the other. Just saying that both means require to grow beyond that initial connection. In this regard they are not different!!!!

I definitely read the blog and my comment was to say that I dont agree with your view!!!!!!! If i am not allowed to disagree or to have a counter view, do let me know!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pramod-> Ofcourse u r entitled to yr opinion... However I still don't get how u can say they are similar... But I guess thats why people have different views. Keep visiting!

Anonymous said...

love before first sight eh....
i think i am a lil cynical on this one...agreed that orkut is a lovely social networking site but its just that a sense its a networking site to keep in touch with ppl u already know (99 out of 100 times) i think this is how orkut works for most ppl....
I (and i think most ppl) have as far as i know mostly added ppl as friends who i have met in some other place either physically or in some other forum...rarely do u meet someone out of the blue in orkut...i think the percentages are not with this idea of love before first sight....
ofcourse to each his u pointed out otherwise the world would be quite dull...

Anonymous said...

Sud-> I know 3 of my best friends very well who have found love thru Orkut and gotten married! What do u say to that? Thats sorta what prompted the post in the first place. Like I said, everything needs ot happen at the right place at the right time.. And then I guess it wudnt matter if the love happened before at or after first sight, huh?

Anonymous said...

"What if their tiny thumbnail picture on their profile was one moment of surreally great photography"

Nicely said. Sometimes thumbnails can be as deceptive as love itself. It also explains why people keep changing their profile pictures on a daily basis!

Anonymous said...

Haha.. Thanks Santhosh. :) Keep visiting. (and keep writing!)

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