Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Why me?

Many of you must be familar with this scenario.. You've just completed your degree (in the US) and you are looking for jobs. Ofcourse you have uploaded your resume on Monster, Careerbuilder and the many other job portals in the hope of flagging the one dream job you want. No matter what your degree, I bet you have a million consultants call you everyday the first few days. I have no problems with the genuine guys who are just out there doing their job and trying to offer you one.. Many don't get that you are an Electrical Engineer simply not willing to settle for a "software consultancy job". Thats also fine.

But what about some genuine freaks? I got this one call for example, about a month ago and I still can't believe it happened. And that was it for my patience. This dude called himself Vijay and started out by saying hi.. hello. When I asked him for what company he worked for, believe me when I say it took him 4 whole minutes to concoct a 'John Grunther Solutions' which doesnt exist ofcourse. He claimed the reason for his delay in answering to be his debating between the 3 groups that owned different companies. All that was okay. This was the part I couldn't take. I had just finished narrating my rehearsed speech of how I wasn't interested in software job.

Him: So what kind of jobs are you looking for, Jayalakshmi? (I hate the fact that every consultant seems to be Desi. I hate it even more that every sentence each one uses on me ends with Jayalakshmi. How are you Jayalakshmi? We have a job to offer, Jayalakshmi... I mean.. I understand you can pronounce it.. but give it a rest, will you?!!?)

Me: I am interested in MEMS.

Him: Oh you are interested in MEN (I capitalize it to emphasize it) And his tone, believe me wasnt confused, wasnt embarrassed or any of that. It was as casual as 'Oh you are interested in Visual Basic'. Who the ^@%*$!&$P)!*{$!($# canvasses candidates like that?

Me (in pure rage now): NOT MEN!!! MEMS - Its an expansion of Microelectro Mechanical Systems!

Him: Oh ok. So where are you from in India?

I hang up.

And I have all rights to be saddened.


Anonymous said...

Poor fellow might have landed his first job and his first few days in that job...maybe u can give him a break and enjoy the goof ups :)..but hey interested in Men takes the cake :D..i can understand his frame of mind when he asked the last question...he really couldnt get what microelectro mechanical systems meant :)..
also one more thing there are more ppl who get annoyed if u use their nicknames when u are intereacting for the first i guess he was just playing safe :)

Anonymous said...

Sud-> Come on.. Theres only so much I can take! And hello, u misinterpreted his last statement... these guys are supposed to have ur resume while they call u. Not ask u about ur interests.. The last question was his one dying spark to keep his conversation alive. Did I mention that this was on V-Day? Guess i didnt. (fume fume)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaya,

I feel sorry for the interview stuff. Its all a part of the job seekers life. Take it easy and enjoy life.

Anonymous said...

good luck with the job hunt!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the best wishes guys :)

Anonymous said...

you're serious??

Anonymous said...

Ram-> Yup

Anonymous said...

LOL How Jay, how? How do u manage to charm these arbit guys?!!! Reminds me of MANY incidents (I capitalize hoping you get all that I mean!!!)...

He he I am commenting something sooo parallel to the subject, ain't I? ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting episode... but you should consider yourself lucky that at least consultants are calling you, when I graduated even consultants didnt call me :-(

Back to your job search, just move to the Bay Area, its really much easier to get interviews when you are a local. By the way, where are all the MEN (oh.. i am sorry MEMS) companies?

Anonymous said...

poor guy thot some small talk would help. Apparently he thot wrong :)

Did you really hang up just like that?

Anonymous said...

Rads-> Yes. (1)I was certain he was a fraud (who wouldnt remember his company name or have my resume in front of him while making a call? (2) If he was genuine, he had to learn people skills and I didnt want that job.

Anonymous said...

MEN! ROFL.....good luck with the hunt!

Anonymous said...

I dont blog...but i read them..(:-)
Just Came across ur blog......Desis are everyhwere....u even find them at the least expected one can deny that.....And I personally feel that if you get a job through a consultancy---u r really undermining your value...Consultancies will be my last option when I start searching my jobs but (I still have an year time)....I personally feel that Consultancies are like "Blood Sucker" or "Exploiter" may sound too harsh but thats the truth....


Anonymous said...

saddened?? U have all the rights to be pissed off!!!!

Anonymous said...

So...wht u r trying to say is...U r not interested in MEN...hmmmmm, interesting, very interesting...;)

Anonymous said...

Akil -> Grow up.

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