Monday, January 22, 2007

KBC 3 with SRK

I had the (mis) fortune of catching the show online. And as usual, my sharp tongue represented by my quick fingers have some smart comments to make. The show was overall not really entertaining. SRK clearly lacks the presence that the Big B commanded. And it seems that he is totally following on his footsteps which sort of makes you think that SRK is Big B's shell without the brain... the latter takes the decisions and paths that they both will follow at different times.

SRK is also lesser intimidating than the Big B. It wouldnt be too comical if the Big B made the kind of seedy, "I'm-not-so-big-a-star" jokes a la SRK. And the "Computerji lock kiya jaye" has also undergone a facedrop. Its now localized to the origin of the participant and ranges from "Computer Da freeze kiya jaye" or "Compaq Da freeze kiya jaye" (label-wise advertisement harvest) for a Bengali to "Computer Garu" - "Compaq Garu" for a Telugu-ite. It was hilarious to hear SRK speak Telmil (the new fashioned Telugu-Tamil hybrid) - "Ye mandi jaragandi...Saapadriya.. Rendu plate idli".

The show seems to have been cut in size and increased in frequency with as many ad breaks as ever. It also drove me nuts that SRK was trying too hard to be pally-pally with the contestants and gave them everything from high-fives to hugs. He also egged them on to the right decisions helping them win the questions and in one case quit with enough money to ward any guilt off. All said and done, it is not entirely fair for me to surmise about SRK in just one episode. It is to be seen if he retains any charisma that was once associated with the show at all.. We'll wait n watch!


Anonymous said...

i was sure SRK cant even come close to Big B.btw, wre did u see it???
check this out. same points diff. perspective though

Anonymous said...

U watched in on the net eh...I havent yet watched it on tv though....the most amazing thing abt the show was that it spurred a lot of ppl to get to know a lot of things albeit in a question answer format...Incidentally have u seen the video of the first millionaire of the international version....
if you havent check it out
the video is amazing...

Anonymous said...

Yes Sud.. I watched it online. I saw the clip u sent me.. It was rocking!! :)

Anonymous said...

hey jaya, i totally agree, SRK was extremely chatty on the show, and i somehow have got "irritated" with him ever since KANK. i dunno how many ppl feel that way, i guess it will be like that until he delivers some other decent movie....

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