Sunday, January 14, 2007


Its a long weekend. And this is the third long weekend (after X'Mas n New Year) that I am not going anywhere. And slowly but surely the feeling of being trapped in this timeless place has crept in. And its getting claustrophobic! With my OPT starting soon, the feeling that I am bonded to this country is also closing in on me. And yes, I have been here for exactly a year at a stretch since my last India trip.. but the fact that you are on OPT and not in the liberty of leaving is shutting out the air around me.

My thesis would've been long done if my lab wasn't a paper-churning factory, reducing my advisor to an English Professor, correcting formats and sentences, rather than do what he is supposed to -- help his students graduate! Thats just ONE example. Suddenly, everything important in my life seems to have reached a complete stand still. I know when actually the ball sets rolling, everything's going to cascade one over the other and wrap me into a turmoil of activity.

But when the weekend comes, when the house sets into a lull, when there's nothing to do... when all the walks lead you on paths that have held interest in the past and have nothing to offer now... thats when I can't help hoping that my whirlwind isnt far away! For now, the monotony is killing!!


Anonymous said...

U gotta say what is OPT for the uninitiated...btw lets hope ur advisor aint reading this blog lest he realises what u percieve his duty to be :)...anyway enjoy this lazing arnd..dont think even if u ask for it u are gonna get it...except if u are in IT like me..wherein there will periodic intaervals of lazing arnd :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm..Im in the same boat.Dawdling away n wasting time daily..:(

Anonymous said...

Well.. for the uninitiated, OPT = Optional Practical Training. And its a necessary thing u need to take up bfore u can get a job in the US which enables your transit from the F-1 to the H-1B. And no, the monotony IS killing.

Bugs.. read yr blog too... Well, all the same boat.. And very sucky at that.

Anonymous said...

I'm not on OPT.. still on the same boat... but the NFL games keep me busy and at home!

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