Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Holidays!

First up, for all those people with end-sem exams still around the corner, don't curse me just yet. Its Thanksgiving! And I am Thankful to the United States Government for having a 4-day weekend this time of the year (Believe me, when you are doing your thesis and nothing else, everyday is a holiday. But the pressure is sitting on you and you can't relax!) But TG is when everyone has a holiday (unlike Veteran's Day in OH) and you could fly places or have people visit you and thats what it is - 4 days of FUN! Not to mention the sales in most stores for the holiday season. Whats sad is that u dont have paid holidays.. but well, u can't have the cake and eat it too!

Lately, I have had the feeling that I have been travelling a lot. And it is true.. Every month, I have been away for atleast 4 days.. Its been great.. I have seen a lot of unseen places, done a lot of new things and travelling is one of my passions... I just love seeing new places, cultures and people. Its all soo entertaining and rich and leaves you content with a whole new experience on your stride.

My latest conquest placewise is going to be New Orleans. My cousin sis is doing her PhD there and we haven't seen each other for over a couple of years. And with a good deal, there is no good excuse. And so, off I am for a good 5-day TG vacation to see her and the Katrina-hit place. I will have more to talk about once I am back.

For all those with no holiday plans, don't fret... Christmas is around the corner too and thats a loooong vacation to look forward to. And for those with plans, do share what you're doing... Happy Holidays everyone!


Anonymous said...

Er.. Anonymous.. Unless u tell me who u r, how am I supposed to know???

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to u too Jaya.. I am visiting my sis for the hols and i cant wait at all.. howz yr bro and sil? give regards to them. Have fun at saumya's.

Anonymous said...

have a great trip jaya....i dont hv any TG plans...but yeah i am surely gonna make use of xams!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Akka!

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys... Everyone have a great holiday too!

Anonymous said...

enjoy ur hols but spare a thought for us lesser mortals who dont have any thanksgiving hols :)

Anonymous said...

Just when I thought I wud spare a thought for u guys, I thought of Gandhi Jayanthi, Independence Day, et al.. And decided... no, it was our time in the sun (or should I say snow??) Hehe... Sorry Suds.. U have fun in the weekend!

Anonymous said...

This is another anonymous - different from above. Do you realize how much information you are giving about yourself to a random person? And I also happened to visit your cousin's blog and she tells me without asking what conspired in her family about arranged marriages,... Just a point to ponder over!

Anonymous said...

Ok Anonymous... All information given out is a li'l inconsequential.. and since you seem to be so concerned, may I atleast know if I know u? Or are u really anonymous?

Anonymous said...

We don't know each other. I don't know why I felt like saying it, but I just did :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anonymous... Will watch my golden words from now...

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