Thursday, May 11, 2006

The red shirt

"If something can go wrong, it will go wrong." - Murphy's Law

What better example than today? I begain today as my Thursday mornings go.. Group meeting in the morning.. I'd worn one of my favorite tees- a bright red one thats won me a lot of compliments, but in essence a simple red button-down t-shirt... I didnt think anything of it as I pulled it off the hanger from my closet this morning. Little did I know what the day had planned for it...

First sign - As I walked from my office in ERC to my lab in Rhodes, I pressed against the corridor to allow someone pushing a cart to pass. Alas! As I regained stride, my t-shirt pulled at a loose nail and ripped at the bottom.. I was bugged... But there was nothing that could be done now.. I called n awoke my sleeping roommate and asked her to bring me a spare. Till then I would have to manage with this one at the meeting... No biggie..

Second sign - People in close quarters with me will tell you that I do things very fast, almost as if I am in a hurry to finish everything. Thats not the case really.. but I do tend to speed up a li'l.. The best example is of my 'nathanaar' duties at my bro's wedding. Even while I watch the tape, it looks like my actions have been fastforwarded!! I guess all that adrenaline in me needs some outlet! Ok.. back to the meeting... We were having coffee, the one delightful part of the meeting.. Well, to cut a loooong story short, I spilt some over the front of my t-shirt and had to go to the washroom right away.

Third sign - Imagine my horror when I dabbed at the coffee stain with a napkin soaked in water, tiny, almost minuscule holes started appearing at random places on the t-shirt!! I was flabbergasted to say the minimal... But then I figured that I must've spilt some acid on the poor tee before and washing it in water seals the deal (remember how our chem labcoats used to become back in school??) Did u think my sob story was over? Not quite... Read on...

Sign of four - My roomie brings me this cheery candy pink t-shirt. One slight problem - I think its slightly transparent.. And today was the ONE awesome day I didnt bring any sweater or sweatshirt! How tragic can life get?? I actually had to go to the campus bookstore and buy one of their overpriced t-shirts on sale!

Reminders n requests: 1) Anyone who feels bad for me after this t-shirt fiasco and wants to buy me clothes - DON'T BUY ME RED (Have tooooo many of 'em - Any other colours are moooost welcome)
2) If each person I narrate this story to paid me a dollar, I would've looooong reimbursed the 18 bucks I spent on the bookstore one.


Anonymous said...

Your doing things fast and in a hurry without any need can be very well seen in the blog the soooo many typos u have made. Well, the t-shirt u got today is really awesome and I dont understand y u didnt like it. U really looked like this "Laal chhadi maidan khadi" while walking in Sigma greens in the evening.

Anonymous said...

Come now, u aren't being fair.. There were just a coupla typos which I've corrected to ease yr visual And thanks for te compliment... :D

Anonymous said...

theres still this bu"t" instead of bu"y"...chk it out!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are all crude n wicked.. Here I am reporting the sad demise of my red shirt and all you people have eyes for are the typos! Sob.. sob

Anonymous said...

he..he..and what remains of ur fav tee now?

Anonymous said...

Its all set to go to the trash!

Anonymous said...

things meant to happen will happen..maybe u owed $18 to the bookstore...karma theory :d..!!

Anonymous said...

realizing one's destiny is a person's only obligation :P..anyways you're now a proud owner of a bearcats Tshirt.

Anonymous said...

None of u r sympathetic guys!

Payal - Well, karma.. now I believe in it!

Nostlgia - Not a bearcats one.. just the normal! Something that says Univ of C

Anonymous said...

hey what happened to your exams shld'nt you be having one today.moral of the story is everybody kannu vechutaaa(put eyes) on your red t shirt so please do dishti to all your fav clothes. There are lots of other questions which are on my mind but shall ask you over the phone.....

Anonymous said...

The tshirt you bought was only 18 bucks but the one you are trashing is priceless .Look it taught you murphy's law and the previous anonymous post was also by me-vignesh

Anonymous said...

hey what happened to your exams shld'nt you be having one today.moral of the story is everybody kannu vechutaaa(put eyes) on your red t shirt so please do dishti to all your fav clothes. There are lots of other questions which are on my mind but shall ask you over the phone.....e...

Anonymous said...

I had a friend named Jolly. Her Dad's name was John and Mom's name was Lilly and that's how she became Jolly. What's your story?

Anonymous said...

Ok Vignesh... whats wrong with u?

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