Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ek lambisi love story :)

Fact: Everything I say here is true

Act 1 -- 645 Baldwin Hall, University of Cincinnati

I stared resolutely ahead willing myself to concentrate on what Dr.R was saying, forcing myself not to sneak a peek to my right. I could feel his gaze burn on my cheek. Against my better judgement I peered at him. There they were, his beautiful auburn eyes fixed on my face and an amused smile gracing his lips. I groaned inwardly. It had happened again. The last time it'd happened I'd promised myself to be more careful. Now all those oh-so-nothing smiles and inconsequential 'hi's' had been misinterpreted once again as a window to try and have a fling with me, if nothing less. I had to put an end to this.

His name was some Jaime 'Unpronounceable' and was from Spain. He was my classmate in the BioMEMS class and all through the quarter, we'd hardly exchanged more words than a 'Hi..' or 'How was your holiday?' But me being me, midway through the quarter I'd helped him with some homework and because he seemed shy, I'd coaxed him into a few conversations. He spoke very nice English and was one of those intellectual European men you kept hearing about, but seldom saw. And now, my normality had once again been misinrepreted. The guy probably thought I had a crush on him!

Well, I had to salvage whatever little pride I had! And right through class I mentally rehearsed what had to be told..."We'll pick up from here on Thursday." Dr R's voice interrupted my thoughts, signalling the end of class. The class started bustling with people waking up and strolling towards the door. As I thought he would, he lingered around and I waved Ashwin to leave too as I hung back too. In less than a minute, we were the only two left behind.
"Hi..." I began tentatively. He beamed at me.
"Finally, I have solved the puzzle." He said.
"You look like the girl my Indian friend has a portrait of." He declared.
My rehearsed speech flew out of the window. This was the last thing I ever expected and words failed me.
"Your friend drew it or has it?" I asked as if the answer made any difference.
"I don't know... He was my roommate back in Madrid in my undergraduate study."
Unintentionally, my heart started racing.
"Where's he now? Are you in touch with him?"
"He's in San Francisco, I think.."

Act 2 -- Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

The wind was chilly.. I pulled my jacket snugger around myself. My hair was going haywire. But I was supposed to meet Mr.X who made my portrait here. Jamie 'Unpronounceable' had been tardy with the details. He thought it would be romantic to set me up with the guy... And he just asked me to wait at the 5th girder of the golden gate bridge on this day. As I waited in hardly controllable excitement, a young, tall, langly black kid walked up to me and
"Are you Shaya?" I assumed that was the way he said Jaya.
"Some dude asked me to give you this note.."

The note was vague -- TAKE THE ALCATRAZ CRUISE

What the hell? Here I was, all the way over to the west coast from where I lived, just to unravel this stupid mystery which was prolonging forever. I supposed the guy would meet me on the boat... Wrong again. I did the cruise by myself. As we rounded the Alcatraz, I was lost as to what was happening. The boat ride itself was a pleasure, the wind blowing us away almost... To top it all, they had these gypsies with caged parrots... I ambled over to the parrots which were talking happily (sounds that made no sense to them... words that did make sense to us!) One was a particularly beautiful and reminded of my own 'Pintu' who could say 'Pappi' (my nic). This one started screeching as I went near it... I backed up a little... But in crystal clear words, it looked me right in the eye and said "Go to MarieMont". And he repeated it like a mantra... It was unbelievable. The gypsy woman who trained the parrots looked at me in wonder.
"He's never said anything I havent taught him"
I was left speechless. What could this mean?? MarieMont was this beautiful locality back in Cincinnati... And this had to be a huge practical joke... Having lured me from one coast to the other, this stupid parrot was sending me back! With no sign of Mr.X, I had to go back anyways! Men Suck!

Act 3 -- MarieMont, Cincinnati

The place was just as I had remembered it. I knew of it from my busride to Milford. Its a quaint little town, content in itself... a tiny mall, a high school, a church, gardens, a fountain.. just perfect. I wandered aimlessly. The leaves rustled.. I found myself walking towards the beautiful fountain that formed the fountain square of MarieMont... It has a statue of this man and woman, of Greek times I assume, entwined amongst vines and frozen in a dance step... It was highly romantic... I groaned inwardly and closed my eyes... After everything, the guy was going to turn out to be a loser... If there weren't more steps in the 'guy-hunt'. I mean which sane guy had the time to plan such a rendezvous? And I didnt even know if I was right on track.. What if I'd misinterpreted the parrot as a clue? Surely, that was unplanned? I was a little more wary now... This was all sooo wrong...

Then I don't know why, I felt I had to look up... And I did... There he was, at a distance, walking from the far edge of the garden, towards fountain square...I stood up... This was it... And as if to make the moment significant, the church bells started chiming... They chimed n chimed... And wait a second.. was there something wrong?

Act 4 -- Riddle Road, Cincinnati

8.26 am... Tuesday Morning


Anonymous said...

hey jaya,
this is so thrilling and romantic...like da vinci code and dilwale dulahniya le jayenge mixed.....awesome...i am curious to know wat happens next....besides wanting to know if this story is ficticious or real....?

Anonymous said...

Take a guess, Dil Se... If you read it closely, u'll understand.. :) And in the very beggining, I have stated its a fact!

Anonymous said...

wow.....AMAZING jaya!!!!!!
me solving the murder mystery when the ohio river flooded is nothing compared to this!!!

Anonymous said...

Hehe... Thanks Aravind :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, u know what! After reading Act 1, I was wondering why hadn't Jaya ever mentioned this guy in her list of 'psychos' ...but only while reading Act 2 did I realise where u were heading...
The best post so far, according to me..Good job! Good job! :D


P.S: MarieMont, huh? I thought it was NYC! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thats a good start.What happens next?

Anonymous said...

Thaanks Vaish!!! :) Who knows.. NYC maybe! ;)

And Caffeinism... Thats about it! The last 'act' gives it away.. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jaya,

It was awesome, I was thinking its almost true, when I hit act3, I realized what would be the end :).

Anonymous said...

hey jaya,

this makes for real interesting reading ... a nice releif from routine boring work ... right until act 4 .. which was a real spoilsport .. i hope the "romance" continues

Anonymous said...

Hehe.. Thanks all of u.. I seem to have been in a real sabbatical from blogging. When the summer quarter starts, will get back to it.. Hang in there folks!

Anonymous said...

hey indha kadai ending enna achchu?

Anonymous said...

Dilip - avalo dhan da kadhai.. It was a dream!

Anonymous said...

You needn't have written the final act. Parrots with gypsies on Alcatraz cruise! :-)

And btw, I enjoyed your other posts too.

(came here via orkut)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Easwaran...

Anonymous said...

now, that's a well-narrated dream! the attention to detail is real good. nice work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks lazy cat... Wonder how long it is since u wrote that comment... But keep visiting..

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

I didnt find it anywhere.. This post is a light-vien description of a real dream I had.

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