Monday, April 10, 2006

Rang de Basanti

Alright alright... I know I am late and I know that a million people have seen the movie already and have their views all set about it and what I have to say about it probably won't matter.. But here goes anyways..

Well, to be honest I did expect the world of it... having had my friends rave all over the place about it. And Naresh couldn't speak of anything else to me for a week! (Well, he pestered me to buy the audio CD when I was on vacation n I didnt relent..hehe) All that done, I had a bunch of people who were hooting at me for having not seen it thus far.. And well, I honestly tried downloading it three times, each time just before my 4hr oncampus job shift started, hoping that te 700 odd MB would download by then (UC has a 100 Mbps LAN connection... but the damned site would download at 30Kbps!!!) In fact I once had Ali to keep moving the mouse of my laptop so that it didnt go off to sleep! And tragically, each time the connection would get reset! Talk about bad luck! And so while I was walking past 544 Baldwin on Friday evening, as usual purposeless, I heard the loud n clear 'Lose control' from within... That meant the ISA was playing the movie (I'm the treasurer.. well, I know thats hard to believe... but I am anyways and I had NO idea that they were going to play it else I wouldve definitely been there!) As luck would have it, next morning, as I was Krogering and sifting through a pile of capsicums (ok.. green peppers if you'd prefer!), I heard the familiar voices of Tejas and Niranjan(ISA President!) To cut a long story short, I was armed with RDB in DVD! My dinner movie was decided and no Veer-Zaara this time.. ha!

So, that night we played the movie at home and I remember in the first half, we were cackling from some Aamir antics and enjoying ourselves... though I had to tell myself this wasnt a sequence of F-R-I-E-N-D-S played at a stretch (though it had the essence of that.. all fun n no substance). The real movie began after the interval and there was a dramatic change of pace and tone and everything and in the end though many many people had told me that everyone important dies, seeing it happen in the movie was something else! I was saddened! The way Karan (Siddharth) and DJ (Aamir) went to their deaths really touched me.. And in someway, I felt that we the youngsters of India had to do something for our beloved country.. (I'll get to that in another post..hehe!) And in some ways the movie maybe, just maybe had misrepresented things... I am not even going to question the corruption in politics.. thats out there for everyone to see... But in a real-life scenario, would there be a shoot-at-sight order for 5 kids who'd owned up to their crime? What happened to the normal judicial procedure? That disturbed me... And I donno why...

Indeed that night's dream when I finally managed to doze off at 5am after thinking up an unbelievable amount of stuff that we, the people could do for our country was a rerun of Ajay Devgan's 'The Legend of Bhagat Singh'. At some level, I realised that RDB was a success, simply because it had provoked me to think.. instead of ignoring it as just-another-movie... Hmmm...


Anonymous said...

Well, ur thought that we should do something for our country reminded me of a news item on saturday flashing the PM's decision to implement 50% reservations in IITs and IIMs abt which we should do something. These are the two premier institutions in India making India proud at this moment. And reserving 50% seats directly means cutting down the cream of India straightaway by 50%. Does India still need reservations?

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse it doesnt and I am one of those heroines who signed a petition against it n stuff.. If u wanna sign the petition, here u go

Anonymous said...

Guess what I haven't seen the movie yet, will comment on it once I see it. RDB - movie for the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi nostalgia.. I noticed u linked me on yr page.. Thaaanks!! You have a name, ofcourse?

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse I do. Shankar

Anonymous said...

We even started a fund raising program to do something for India. We have absolutely no idea how we would be using those funds but that hasnt dampened the spirit of raising funds. Its mostly ppl like us - either doing MS or just graduated who contribute 10 - 20 bucks (dollars, of course... we really intend to do something you see) a month. I wont ask if you want to contribute (you are more than welcome to though) but i am more interested in getting ideas on how to best use these funds..

Anonymous said...

There are number non-profit organizations like


who raise funds to support welfare schemes in India.

Anonymous said...

Oh totally... I started a charity thingie in CTS where I used to work for a year.. That worked out fine.. I have big plans.. Ennalaam kizhikaren nu we'll c... But so far so good!

Anonymous said...

Yes Dhwani... Like i said I started one back in CTS too and everything and I used to monitor where the funds went to etc.. We'll get to that at some point.. :) Am glad u read my blog though! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be late in writing in, but I did not know that u write blogs... I would want to comment on the RDB blog. Lucky that we dont need to have an argument, as we are on the same side. I also thought on similar lines. You can read my views on :)

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