Monday, April 3, 2006


1. Get up - Panic-filled... What if you overslept (highly impossible with me -- Snobbish as it may sound, I am yet to be late for any appointment I've made)
2. Get ready - Hot shower, hotter tea and good to go
3. Campus job - For all the hurry at home, you have 4 nice hours to chill (sometimes even this can get hectic... come on, there are days when the professors cant spell 'professor' for their username and you have to go out of 'office' to help them out! Blogging falls under this umbrella too!)
4. Head to Office - This is lab for most people... Its office for me.. Being in microelectronics has its advantage - u have a lab (to do some work), a cleanroom (to do MAJOR work) and an office (to do timepass)
5. Set up laptop and check email - what if someone important (like there could be anyone) mailed in the 10 minutes it took from the oncampus job place to your laptop at the office
6. Mentally make a list of items that you need to do/accomplish/complete on any give day - You're desparately trying to make a list and you know that a list HAS to have more than ONE item!
7. Set out to do it - Well, if it was reading a paper, you might as well kiss it goodbye. Midafternoon who wants to read a boring pdf? Have you noticed that the document has this smudged look in PDF format that makes it even lesser interesting to read?
8. Wonder why your prof isn't meeting you? What EVER happened to that administrative decision on the nitrogen cylinders? You don't have forever to complete your research!
9. Hunger strikes! After all its close to 3pm and without any food in your system theres only so much you can do. Be it Wendy's or Sub, grab some grub!!
10. Back in office - Well fed, content and importantly sleepy - Ideal time to remind yourself you were up till 2am just plain chatting with the people you spend all your evenings with!
11. Do some work - FINALLY - Run a test experiment for instance - Takes a couple of hours but is probably worth it - makes you feel that the day's not been wasted and you have something to show your prof!
12. Tea time! Whats life without evening chai? And you knew it would eat up the evening - but the day's work's been done (look at no.11) and so whats the harm?
13. Timepass - This is just talking away to glory or (rarely) the gym or REC center.. Fun when it happens!
14. Cooking - Someone has a cooking turn - it could be you... Or you might as well watch them cook!
15. Movie time - How can food go down your food pipe without something on TV/Laptop (whichever applicable!) You've got to watch something! Even if its a pathetic re-run of 'Veer-Zaara'! (yes, some days are that bad for the lack of choice!)
16. Sleep - Thats for others - not insomniacs like me - Dialogues that are useful for justification then - Abhi to raat jawaan hai! - Turn on the laptop, turn up the music, logon to the messengers - GO!
17. Sleep - Finally thats for me!!! Hehe.. Another day to look forward to..


Anonymous said...

A candid post ... makes for interesting reading .. good work

Anonymous said...

nicee..good stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks people!

Anonymous said...

Even I can't trace back how I reached your blog but no regrets, was definitely interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The one about Madras Univ was a scenario best described, and this one aptly potrays a day of Indian grad student at UC.

Anonymous said...

ahaaa...complicated life..
pity u r putting thru this everyday. :-)
mine is simple - get to office by 10.00, hot choco at 11.00. back home for lunch at 12.30. get back to office at 2.00. cofee at 3.30 and play TT till 4.15. start home at 5.30. enroute play TT till 7.30 !! Simple na ?!

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