Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Disclaimer: The logos, images etc. that appear in this blog are copyrights of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft or wherever else you may have seen them. The idea however is solely mine and should you see it materialize in future, whoever did it better pay me royalties.. n I ain't kidding!

While I was in class today, as usual, I'd zoned out and instead of sleeping, did the only other thing tuning out makes me do -- doodling on the margins of my notebook.. And when I doodle and then try to read what I've read, I'm always amazed at the wide wide spectrum of thoughts that run through my brain in quick succession. Today though, I wrote 'DOODLE' on my notes and looked at it for a long time, wondering why google didnt have a doodle.google.com. I found it strange and started imagining if there were to be a doodle.google.com, then what would it have.. What would the purpose of the site be?

And disbelievingly, I found myself basically making a webpage of sorts, all within the margins of my 'Biosensors' notes. I got more n more excited as time progressed (and I must mention here that practically everyone had dozed off or was on the verge of - it was the most boring class in history and now I know exactly why people draw those tiny tombs n crosses and inscribe - 'In memory of those who died waiting for the bell to ring'. It is THAT painful) and my margins were filled...
After class, as a ritual I head for lab.. Today though, since my prof hadnt reviewed the previous results that I'd given him, I was in no mood to pile up on his already Empire-state tall pile of work to do... I helped him more than me.. If I had more results, he would have more to review.. I hope that sounded ok.. because thats the excuse I see myself giving at the group meeting tomorrow. However, lets focus on Doodle...
So, back at my desk, I tried finding logole, the google logo maker... which was conroversial and no wonder, lifted off the net. But the Internet is like crack on glass.. Once it appears, its never gone away completely (aaha... thathuvam - copyright on this one too!) Pretty soon, I found a mirror site and made my logo and then put my ideas to Paint... And are you ready to see Doodle(TM)'s first version? Lo behold!

I encourage you to click on it to enlarge the image to see my genius in it.. Hehe...

Well, I admit Doodle's front page looks boring... But wait till you see what I did with it next... Now, whats the point of a Doodle page? You doodle! So, that white space in the center is where you'd ideally doodle... Whats the biggest pain in computer doodling???? Holding the left mouse button as you drew/wrote! I've eliminated that problem by providing a permanent left-click feature on the left frame. Once you've doodled whatever you wanted, if you hit the 'Doodle' button, I'd want this to happen -- Assume I doodled 'Bala', here's what I'd want doodle to give me....

Once again, do open up the image... Please notice how because I've signed in, my contacts window has opened up in the top left corner and because I hit 'Doodle' after scribbling 'Bala', it opened a conversation window with him (It would have opened a 'compose mail' window otherwise) And the right frame has the top search results from Google/Froogle/Scholar/Images etc... Isnt that coool???

If it were to materialize it would be one hell of a webpage and I hope the google studs took some clues from me.. and paid me for it... This would be an incredible amount of integration... And would be really cool... As for me, they say, an Idle mind is a devil's workshop... Well, here it seemed more of paintshop.. :D


Anonymous said...

coooool!.....can it BE more cooler?
now its up to the idle minds to improvise it. and i am alreday in the game :)

Anonymous said...

Take this off the blog and send it the folks at google. You don't want somone else to steal your idea :)

Google Idle is another name that u could give this. There are google doodles that appear on the site everyday.

Anonymous said...

Prinku's Addons :::

I think it will best suit if We all got Palm tops...then we can just doodle off !!!!!!

(k if this actuall implements, then make me 5% share holder !! allright ? )

Anonymous said...

Aravind - I thot of multiple ideas -- we need a pattern rcognition s/w to actually recognize what we doodle... it shd recognize everything from words to images n more!

Guru -- hehe... nenappu thaan... lets come up with something for google idle.. what say?

Prinks-- Palmtops... well, u have to buy the hardware too in tat case... with my idea of google doodle, u can surf it from any place u have net conenction - think about it!

Anonymous said...

wow jaya....kalaku....that was cool imagination.....try patenting it ;).....

Anonymous said...

What can i say? Just keep doodling for doodlers like me!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed !

Anonymous said...

I think this is by far one of the wackiest ideas u've come up with jay! Awesome blog...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kav!

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