Friday, February 18, 2005

Dear diary?

Dear Di,

I know I would never ever trust an electronic version of a diary, especially coz I maintain a paper version which has my deepest, darkest secrets so-to-speak! And ofcourse a blog is entirely different in a sense that u wanna share yr thoughts and really wouldnt mind someone reading this, just this once...

But its gonna take me time to write stuff here thats entirely personal. Perhaps I never will. I created this blog page coz everyone in the world was sitting and creating one and I must admit that I had a fun time reading some people's... And then it dawned upon me that u'd rather give a perspective about something here... rather than go and narrate it to every person u come across... I am especially (in??)famous for doing that... :)

Well well... we'll soon find out how I go blogging, won't we?


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